marți, 23 august 2011

Sunset lovers & Butterflies

Ola chicas! :)) V-a fost dor de mine? Am plecat pe neasteptate la mare si nu v-am anuntat, dar am pregatit inainte de asta un modelas pe care il postez azi. Este vorba de un apus de soare, palmieri si doi indragostiti (respectiv eu si iubitul meu - Love ya!:*:*) Sper sa va placa cum mi-a placut si mie. Aaa! Si mai am un modelas cu fluturasi facut unei prietene pe care n-am mai apucat sa-l postez pentru ca am avut niste probleme cu laptopul. Astept parerile voastre!:*:*:* Kiss kiss!

Ola chicas! Missed me? I suddenly went to the sea and I didin't announce you, but before that I have made a model which I post it today. It is a sunset, palm trees and two lovers (me and my boyfriend - Love ya!:*:*) I hope you like it as I did. Ah! And I have a model with butterflies made to a friend which I haven't had the chance to post it because I had some problems with my laptop.  I am waiting for your opinions!:*:* Kiss kiss!

What I used:
1. Orange (Madonna 141)
2. Yellow (Madonna 139)
3. Yellow (Madonna 138)
4. Yellow (Leydi 808)
5. Purple (Leydi 718)
6. Black acrylic colour

Al doilea model:
The second model:

What I used:
1. Black acrylic colour
2. White acrylic colour
3. Pink acrylic colour
5. White
6. Silver glitter (Madonna 48)

And, a picture of meee! :)):P

        Lady Butterfly

vineri, 12 august 2011


Buna! Vara inca nu s-a terminat, asadar floricelele sunt inca in trend si daca ne gandim bine, floricelele sunt potrivite in orice anotimp. Deci, floricele sa fie! Kiss kiss!:*:*:*

Hello! The summers is not over yet, so the flowers are still in trend and if we think well, the flowers are appropriate in any season. So, let there be flowers! Kiss, kiss!,:*

What I used:
1. White acrylic colour
2. Pink acrylic colour
3. Black acrylic colour
4. Purple acrylic colour

       Lady Butterfly

marți, 9 august 2011

Fishy, fishy :D (Pestisori)

Buna mandrelor! Ce faceti? Eu sunt putin suparata ca trei unghii mi s-au rupt, dar sper sa creasca curand. Pentru azi am un modelas, tot de vara, perfect pentru mare, cu pestisori.  Modelul a fost cu bucluc...pana sa-l pozez l-am si stricat de vreo doua ori, am reusit sa-mi rup si o unghie...bine ca am reusit sa va arat ce a mai ramas din el... Oricum mie mi-e drag foc! Inca o data repet ca Leydi 720 e cea mai frumoasa nuanta de turcoaz pe care am vazut-o vreodata! Pestisorii sunt one stroke :)) Astept opinia voastra! Sa aveti o zi frumoasa! Pe curand!:*:*:*

Hey sweeties! How are you? I am a little upset because three of my nails have broke, but I hope they'll grow soon. For today I have a deisgn, for summer, perfect for sea, with little fishes. This model was with troubles... until I managed to pose it, I spoiled it a couple of times, I broke one nail...thank God I managed to show you what's left of it... However, I like it very much! One again I repeat that Leydi 720 is the most beautiful shade of turquoise that I have ever seen! The fishes are made with one stroke technique :)) I am waiting your opinion! Have a nice day! See you soon!:*:*:*
(Click pentru marire)
(Click to enlarge)

What I used:
1. White acrylic colour
2. Blue acrylic colour
3. Pink acrylic colour
4. Black acrylic colour
5. Turquoise (Leydi 720)
6. Blue glitter (Orkide Artist 25)

          Lady Butterfly

luni, 8 august 2011

Tutorial Dolphins on the sea!!!

Hey! Intrucat am primit foarte multe cereri pentru modelul cu delfini, azi am facut un scurt tutorial pentru efectul "mare". Sper sa intelegeti ceva si sa va fie de ajutor! Pupici!:*:*

Hey! Because I received a lot of requests for the model Dolphins on the sea, today I did a short tutorial for the "sea" effect. I hope you understand what I did and I hope it's useful! Kisses!:*:*

White flowers

miercuri, 3 august 2011

Sailor Moon

Hey sweeties! Zilele trecute am primit o provocare de la o scumpa prietena (:* Printesa): vrea sa ii pictez pe unghiute cand vine in tara un ursulet polar si pe Sailor Marte. Asta da provocare! Atunci m-am gandit sa exersez pana vine ea si am ales-o pe Sailor Moon ca sa nu o fac de doua ori pe Sailor Mars. petrecut o ora jumatate pictand-o pe Sailor Moon. Dupa terminarea ei eram deja epuizata si era si ora 12, astfel ca Luna, pe care am facut-o dupa, mi-a iesit foarte urata si mare....dar nu am mai sters-o, am lasa-o asa... Initial nu am vrut sa v-o mai arat si pe Luna, dar na...mai dau si gres nu? Mai ales ca era si la mana dreapta :D Sper sa va placa! Pedichiura o puteti vedea aici.
Astept comentarii si pareri! Pupici:*:*:*:*

Hey sweeties! The other days I received a challenge from a sweet friend (:* Princess): she wants me to paint on her nails when she comes to Romania a little polar bear and Sailor Mars. This is quite a challenge! Then I thought to practice until she comes and I chose Sailor Moon so I won't paint Sailor Mars twice. So... I spent an hour and a half painting Sailor Moon. After finishing her I was exhausted and it was 12 o'clock in the night, so Luna, which I did after, came out very big and ugly...but I didn't removed her, I left it that way... Initially I didn't want to show you Luna, but that's it...sometimes I fail isn't it? Especially as it was at the right hand. :D Hope you like it! You can see the pedicure here.

Waiting for your comments and opinions! Kisses!:*:*:*:*

       Lady Butterfly