joi, 12 mai 2011

Blog Award

I received this award from Kory. Thank you very much! :*>:D<

The Liebster Award is designed to be awarded to blogs with less than 300 subscribers to spread the blog love and get them out to a wider audience.

The Rules are:
1. Post displaying the award, linking back to the person who awarded you.
2. Pick 3 blogs and let them know they're awarded.

The 3 blogs are:
3. Dory

3 comentarii:

  1. Multumesc ca te-ai gandit la mine.Sa stii ca mi-a disparut comentariul facut la mine pe blog cu privire la premiu atunci cand au avut probleme blogspot.

  2. Felicitari pt blog award!! :*:*:*
    Te asteapta unul si la mine :D :*
