Buna fetelor! Kory are un prim Giveaway. Pentru a participa puteti afla mai multe intrand aici.
Concursul se va incheia pe 9 iulie, iar castigatoarea va fi anuntata pe 11 iulie. Succes! :*:* Pupici
joi, 30 iunie 2011
Buna scumpelor! Am incercat si eu niste fluturasi dar nu prea au iesit. Promit sa mai incerc! Pupici!:*:*
Hey sweeties! I tried some butterflies but they didn't came out very well. I promise to try again! Kisses!:*:*
What I used:
1. Silver (Madonna 72)
2. Pink (Natty 315)
3. White (Gabrini)
5. Black acrylic colour
Hey sweeties! I tried some butterflies but they didn't came out very well. I promise to try again! Kisses!:*:*
What I used:
1. Silver (Madonna 72)
2. Pink (Natty 315)
3. White (Gabrini)
5. Black acrylic colour
duminică, 26 iunie 2011
Cherries on my nails
Buna frumoaselor! Am revenit dupa o scurta absenta cu un modelas nu tocmai reusit zic eu. De ce zic asta? Pai ciresele nu mi-au iesit chiar asa cum voiam si cel mai enervant, lacul meu a lasat foarte multe puncte si nu-mi place cum se vede pe manichiura, asa ca e posibil sa vedeti curand o alta postare fiinda modelul acesta va disparea foarte repede. Pana atunci numai pupici. Astept pareri si comentarii!!!
Hey! I came back after a short absence with a not very successful model I say. Why am I saying this? Well.. the cherries didn't cam out just as I wanted and, the most annoying, my top coat left a lot of dots and I don't like the way my nails look like, so it is possible to see another post soon because this model will disappear. Until then I send you kisses! I am wainting for your opinions and comments!
Hey! I came back after a short absence with a not very successful model I say. Why am I saying this? Well.. the cherries didn't cam out just as I wanted and, the most annoying, my top coat left a lot of dots and I don't like the way my nails look like, so it is possible to see another post soon because this model will disappear. Until then I send you kisses! I am wainting for your opinions and comments!
luni, 13 iunie 2011
Yellow is for summer :X
Buna dragele mele! Sambata am avut o nunta. Rochita mea a fost neagra cu galben, asadar am facut o manichiura si o pedichiura cu floricele galbene. Sper sa va placa! Astept comentarii si pareri!:*:*
Hey dears! Saturday I had a wedding. My dress was black with yellow, so I made a manicure and a pedicure with yellow flowers. Hope you like it! I am waiting for your comments and opinions! Kisssses!:*:*
What I used:
1. White (Gabrini)
2. Yellow acrylic colour
3. Orange acrylic colour
4. Black acrylic colour
Lady Butterfly!:*:*
Hey dears! Saturday I had a wedding. My dress was black with yellow, so I made a manicure and a pedicure with yellow flowers. Hope you like it! I am waiting for your comments and opinions! Kisssses!:*:*
What I used:
1. White (Gabrini)
2. Yellow acrylic colour
3. Orange acrylic colour
4. Black acrylic colour
Lady Butterfly!:*:*
duminică, 12 iunie 2011
Am primit cateva premii de la scumpa de kory care s-a gandit si la mine.

1. Name your fav colour, song, dessert: Purple, Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting For You, strawberries with sugar and cream
2. What is pissing you off? Lies
3. When u're upset, u... cry
4. Your fav pet: My sister's dog Panda :D
5. Black or White? White
6. Your biggest fear is...:not having a happy marriage
7. Your best feature is...: Honesty
8. Everyday attitude : In love :P
9. What is perfection ? Nothing
10. Guilty pleasure : Sweets, too!:D

The rules are:
1. Link back to the person who passed you the award!
2. Share 7 random things about yourself!
3. Award 15 blogs.
4. Drop them a line and tell them about it!
- I love summer rain (Iubesc ploaia de vara)
- I like cooking (Imi place sa gatesc)
- I'm a little obsessed with butteflies (Sunt putin obsedata de fluturi)
- I wear glasses, but not all the time :)) (Port ochelari, dar nu tot timpul :)) )
- I tickle at my knees (Ma gadil la genunchi, chiar si singura =))...)
- My favorite flowers are cala lillies (Florile mele preferate sunt calele)
- I like taking photos (Imi place sa fac fotografii)
Inspiration Blog Award

Best Blog Award

1. Name your fav colour, song, dessert: Purple, Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting For You, strawberries with sugar and cream
2. What is pissing you off? Lies
3. When u're upset, u... cry
4. Your fav pet: My sister's dog Panda :D
5. Black or White? White
6. Your biggest fear is...:not having a happy marriage
7. Your best feature is...: Honesty
8. Everyday attitude : In love :P
9. What is perfection ? Nothing
10. Guilty pleasure : Sweets, too!:D
Blogger Luxury Award

The rules are:
1. Link back to the person who passed you the award!
2. Share 7 random things about yourself!
3. Award 15 blogs.
4. Drop them a line and tell them about it!
- I love summer rain (Iubesc ploaia de vara)
- I like cooking (Imi place sa gatesc)
- I'm a little obsessed with butteflies (Sunt putin obsedata de fluturi)
- I wear glasses, but not all the time :)) (Port ochelari, dar nu tot timpul :)) )
- I tickle at my knees (Ma gadil la genunchi, chiar si singura =))...)
- My favorite flowers are cala lillies (Florile mele preferate sunt calele)
- I like taking photos (Imi place sa fac fotografii)
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