duminică, 27 februarie 2011

Tag: Get to know me!

Am primit acest tag de la kory. Multumesc foarte mult!:*:*
I received this tag from kory. Thank you very much!:*:*

1. Are you named after anyone?
My mother.

2. When was the last time you cried?

3. Do you have any kids?
ope but I would like to have one baby right now.:D

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
Of course..=))

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Mm....not really...depends on the situation.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
I don't know.

7. Whats your favorite cereal?
I don't have any favourite cereal.

8. Whats the first thing you notice about people?
Hands and face.

9. What is your eye color?

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings.

11. Favorite smells?
Jasmin, hyacinth.

12. Summer or winter?
Summer. I like winter too, but not when it's too cold.

13. Computer or television?
Computer... uhhuuu

14. What's the farthest you've ever been from home?

15. Do you have special talents?
Painting nails. I consider this as a talent.

16. Where were you born?

17. What are your hobbies?
Nail art, cooking especially cookies =)), origami....

18. Do you have any pets?

19. Favorite movie?
My favourite is "If only", but I also love The notebook, Kites, Avatar.

20. Do you have any siblings?
One sister.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I would like to be a successful manager.

22. When was your first slow dance and the song?
I can't remember the song, but the dance was for Christmas.

23. Movies you dislike.
Usually SF, but depends on the movie.

24. What 3 YouTubers/bloggers would you like to meet in person?
Kory , Andayn & Havena. I would like to meet other blogger girls too, but since I had to choose only 3....

25. Who do you tag:

I tag:

vineri, 25 februarie 2011

Seara fetelor....(Girls Night)

Fetele mele au mers aseara in club si m-au rugat sa le pictez unghiutele, asa ca....

My girls went last night in the club and they asked me to paint their nails, so...


Acesta este un model facut dupa Andre, pe care o admir foarte foarte mult. Imi place enorm cum lucreaza si nu cred ca este vreun model de-al ei care sa-mi displaca. Sper sa nu se supere...

This is a model made after Andre, which I admire very very much. I like very much her work  and I don't think there is any model of her which I dislike. I hope she doesn't mind....

What I used:
1. White (Gabrini)
2. Purple (Orkide 303)
3. Black acrylic colour
4. Pink (Orkide Artist 02)
5. Purple round rhinestones
6. Purple Glitter

 Baza o avea deja, eu doar am facut modelul.
She already had the base, I justmade the model.

What I used:
1. Burgundy (Golden Rose 105)
2. White (Gabrini)
3,4,5,6,7. Acrylic colours

Cadoul meu de Valentines (My Valentines Gift)

De ziua Indragostitilor i-am facut cadou iubitului meu un dragon origami, la care am muncit cu drag si spor...  vreo cateva sapatamani. :D Uitasem de el, dar am zis sa va arat si voua ce am facut pentru el, acum, ca mi-am amintit.

For Valentine's Day I gave my boyfriend an origami dragon, which I worked with love and increase... some weeks :D. I forgot about it, but now, since I remebered it I said to show it to you.

miercuri, 23 februarie 2011

Orange one stroke

What I used:
1. White (Gabrini)
2. Silver Glitter (Madonna 48)
3. Yellow acryilic colour
4. Orange acrylic colour
5. Green acrylic colour
6. Green acrylic colour
7. Black acrylic colour
8. Silver pearls

sâmbătă, 19 februarie 2011

Blue for Thumbelina

What I used:
1. White (Gabrini)
2. Turquoise (Leydi 720)
3. White (ABlines 10)
4. Silver Glitter (Orkide Artist 19)

joi, 17 februarie 2011

Little flowers

What I used:
1. Glitter (Madonna 48)
2. Purple (Orkide 303)
3. White (Gabrini)
4. Pink for french (Farmasi 12)
5. Black acrylic colour
6. Glitter (Golden Rose 154)

duminică, 13 februarie 2011

For my Valentine!

Love you honey!:*:X

What I used:
1. Silver (Madonna 18)
2. Glitter (Chissa 207)
3. White acrylic colour
4. Orange acrylic colour
5. Red acrylic colour
6. Maroon acrylic colour
7. Black acrylic colour
8. White (ABlines 10)
9. Black

sâmbătă, 12 februarie 2011

Turquoise french

What I used:
1. Turquoise (Leydi 720)
2. White acrylic colour
3. Yellow acrylic colour
4. Green acrylic colour
5. Dark green acrylic color
6. Blue acrylic colour
7. Black acrylic colour


 What I used:
1. Silver glitter (Golden Rose 112)
2. White (Natty)
3. Black
4. Pink (Orkide Artist 34)
5. Pink (Orkide Artist 02)
6. White (ABlines 10)

Glitter contest

What I used:
1. Pink round rhinestones
2. Black acrylic colour
3. White (ABlines 10)
4. Pink (Orkide Artist 02)
5. Pink (Orkide Artist 34)
6. Glitter (Chissa 207)

In blue...

What I used:
1. Blue (Chissa 11)
2. White (Gabrini)
3. Blue glitter (Orkide Artist 25)
4. Silver round rhinestones

New Year

What I used:
1. Yellow (Madonna 139)
2. Golden (Madonna 58)
3. Black
4. Red (Classics 315)
5. Green (Rev Olline 78)
6. White (ABlines 10)