luni, 30 aprilie 2012
joi, 26 aprilie 2012
vineri, 20 aprilie 2012
joi, 19 aprilie 2012
Internship de 10 la Icar Tours
Saptamana trecuta va scriam aici ca am fost acceptata pentru un Internship la agentia de turism Icar Tours. Pentru a sarbatori acest eveniment am facut un tort. Ce ziceti? :*
Last week I wrote you here that I was accepted to an internship at Icar Tours travel agency. To celebrate this event I made a cake. What do you think? :*
Lady Butterfly
Last week I wrote you here that I was accepted to an internship at Icar Tours travel agency. To celebrate this event I made a cake. What do you think? :*
Lady Butterfly
miercuri, 18 aprilie 2012
Hristos a inviat!
Va urez cu intarziere un Paste fericit! Fie ca lumina Invierii sa va aduca pace si bucurie in suflete!
I wish you a very Happy Easter! May the light of the Resurrection bring peace and joy in your souls!
Acesta este modelul meu de Paste:
This is my design for Easter:
I wish you a very Happy Easter! May the light of the Resurrection bring peace and joy in your souls!
Acesta este modelul meu de Paste:
This is my design for Easter:
sâmbătă, 7 aprilie 2012
Bună! Am lipsit destul de mult, știu.... Ultimele două săptămâni din viața mea nu au fost tocmai fericite....Am suferit pierderea unei persoane foarte dragi, bunica mea... dar am fost și destul de ocupată, atât cu unghiile cât și cu facultatea și cu internshipul. Nu am apucat să vă spun, dar fac un internship la o agenție de turism (Icar Tours), unde am întâlnit niște persoane minunate (în curând o să postez tortul pe care l-am facut pentru a sărbători acest început). Tot ce fac este foarte interesant și sunt mulțumită. Chiar înainte de această pierdere, aș fi putut să vă spun că am una din cele mai bune perioade din viața mea. Semestrul 1 îl terminasem cu 10, fusesem acceptată la internship și am apărut cu unghiuțele chiar și într-o revistă. Totul mergea perfect, dar nu mereu este așa...Viața merge mai departe.. Cert este că sunt copia bunicii, astfel mereu o să mă gândesc la ea când ma voi uita în oglindă. Mai pot să vă spun să stați pe aproape, fiindcă am foarte multe de postat din urmă! Modelul de azi îl știți, este doar puțin diferit, însă eu am zis să postez. Vă pup!
Hello! I missed pretty much, I know... The last two weeks of my life weren't quite happy... I sufferd the loss a very dear person, my grandmother... but I also have been busy with nails, faculty and internship. I didn't tell you, but I am doing a internship at a travel agency (Icar Tours), where I met some wonderful persons (soon I will post the cake I made to celebrate this start). All that I do is very interesting and I am very satisfied. Even before this loss, I could have told you that I have one of the best period in my life. I finished the first semester with 10, I was accepted to the internship and I even appeared in a magazine with my nails. Everything was perfect, but it's not always like that... Life goes on... The fact is that I am the copy of my granny, so I will always think of her when I look into the mirror. I can also tell you to stay close, because I have a lot to post from behind. You know the design from today, it's a little bit different, but I said I should post it. Kises!
This is the way the nails looked after 3 weeks, and before doing them like above.
Lady Butterfly
Hello! I missed pretty much, I know... The last two weeks of my life weren't quite happy... I sufferd the loss a very dear person, my grandmother... but I also have been busy with nails, faculty and internship. I didn't tell you, but I am doing a internship at a travel agency (Icar Tours), where I met some wonderful persons (soon I will post the cake I made to celebrate this start). All that I do is very interesting and I am very satisfied. Even before this loss, I could have told you that I have one of the best period in my life. I finished the first semester with 10, I was accepted to the internship and I even appeared in a magazine with my nails. Everything was perfect, but it's not always like that... Life goes on... The fact is that I am the copy of my granny, so I will always think of her when I look into the mirror. I can also tell you to stay close, because I have a lot to post from behind. You know the design from today, it's a little bit different, but I said I should post it. Kises!
This is the way the nails looked after 3 weeks, and before doing them like above.
Lady Butterfly
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