miercuri, 29 februarie 2012

Dragobete Day

Iata si modelul meu de Dragobete si pentru intampinarea primaverii: pasarele indragostite si flori de cires!

Here is my design for Dragobete Day and for welcoming the spring: birds in love and cherry blossoms!

     Lady Butterfly

luni, 27 februarie 2012

Butterflies, butterflies...butterflies

Fluturasii sunt si vor fi mereu la moda! :)

Butterflies are and will always be in trend! :)

     Lady Butterfly

vineri, 24 februarie 2012

Funny Skeletons

Buna! Tema acestor unghiute este inedita. Nu am mai pictat un model cu scheleti nici pentru mine, nici pentru alte cliente, insa Camelia si-a dorit niste scheleti veseli si cute, cum le zice ea..:)) Ce parere aveti?

Hello! The theme of these nails is unique. I have never painted a skeleton design for me, nor for other clients, but Camelia wanted some happy and cute skeletons, as she says..:)) What do you think?

    Lady Butterfly

luni, 20 februarie 2012

Mice love

Luna iubirii inca nu s-a incheiat, asadar continui seria modelelor "inimoase". De data asta am doi soricei indragostiti :)
Love month isn't complete yet, so I continue the series of "hearted" designs. This time I have two mice in love :)

    Lady Butterfly

vineri, 17 februarie 2012

Cute dogs in love

    Lady Butterfly

Flowers & Butterflies

Unghiutele din postarea de azi sunt mai vechi, insa azi fac postarea deoarece am fost putin ocupata. A fost un maraton de unghii cu gel ...pentru surioare si prietene ;))

The nails from this post are older, but today I do this post because I was a little busy. It was a marathon of gel nails... for sisters and friends..;))

    Lady Butterfly

sâmbătă, 11 februarie 2012

Birds in love

Buna! Astazi am pentru voi un model, inspirat de la Andayn care pur si simplu m-a cucerit, asa cum se intampla de fapt, cu toate modelele ei: pasarele indragostite, in toiul iernii :)) Pupici!

Hello! Today I have a design insipred by Andayn, which conquered me, as actually happens with all her designs: birds in love in the middle of the winter :)) Kisses!

    Lady Butterfly

luni, 6 februarie 2012

Angels in love...

Buna! Suntem in februarie, iar eu am dat start modelelor de Valentine's Day. Primul model de acest gen are in prim plan... ingerasi si multe multe inimioare, doar avem multa iubire, nu?:X:X Ce parere aveti?
P.S.: Asa aratau dupa o luna unghiutele, inainte sa le refac si sa fac modelul:

Hello! We are in February and I started doing Valentine's Day designs. My first design of this kind has to the fore... angels and lots and lots of hearts, because we have much love, right? What do you think?
P.S.:  This is the way my nails looked after a month, before re-doing them and paint the design:

BEFORE (Inainte)
AFTER (Dupa)

Lady Butterfly

joi, 2 februarie 2012


Unghiute dupa o luna...(Prietena mea si le-a dat intre timp cu o oja care mie personal imi place foarte mult)
Nails after a month...(Meanwhile my friend used a nail polish which personally I like very much)

       Lady Butterfly