Buna! Odata ce te apuca mania desenelor animate uiti sa te mai opresti! Asa ca nu m-am putut abtine sa nu-mi desenez si mie niste personaje din desenele animate. Am ales-o pe Marie din Pisicile Aristocrate. Am avut foarte mult de munca si am inceput cu mana dreapta, cred ca de asta a si iesit mai bine. :)):)) Cand am terminat si mana stanga era ora 1 noaptea, asa ca scuze daca nu a iesit foarte bine. Astept pareri si comentarii! Va pup!:*::*
Hey!!! Once you get caught of the cartoons-mania, you forget to stop! So I couldn't help drawing on my nails some cartoon characters. I chose Marie from The Aristocats. I had a lot of work and I started with my right hand, so I think that's the reason that it worked out better.:)):)) When I finished the left hand it was one o'clock at night, so sorry if it didin't come out very well. I'm wainting for your opinions and comments! Kisses!:*:*:*
duminică, 29 mai 2011
joi, 26 mai 2011
Mickey & Minnie Mouse
Hey! Astazi am incercat din nou unghiutele cu desene animate deoarece o prietena de-a mea isi dorea foarte mult. Inca o data am simtit o mare placere cand am realizat acest model. Astept si parerile voastre!:*:*
Hey! Today I tried again the nails with cartoon characters on them because a friend of mine wanted them very much. Once again I felt a great pleasure when I realized this model. I am waiting your views and opinions!:*:*
What I used:
1. Pink acrylic colour
2. Pink acrylic colour
3. Pink (Classics 318)
4. White (Gabrini)
5,6,7 Acrylic colours
Hey! Today I tried again the nails with cartoon characters on them because a friend of mine wanted them very much. Once again I felt a great pleasure when I realized this model. I am waiting your views and opinions!:*:*
What I used:
1. Pink acrylic colour
2. Pink acrylic colour
3. Pink (Classics 318)
4. White (Gabrini)
5,6,7 Acrylic colours
Buna! Dupa cum veti vedea acest model seamana cu unul de mai jos. Dar se mai intampla, caci fetele ce vin la mine vad un model si il vor neaparat. Pe acesta l-am postat din nou deoarece are alte culori, dar sper sa va placa si sa nu va plictiseasca! :P
Hello! As you will see this model looks like another one below. But it happens because the girls who come to me see a model and they really want it. This one I posted it again because it has different colours, but I hope you like it and not getting bored of it! :P
What I used:
1. Glitter (Madonna 48)
2. Red acrylic colour
3. Black acrylic colour
4. White acrylic colour
5. Black (Madonna)
Hello! As you will see this model looks like another one below. But it happens because the girls who come to me see a model and they really want it. This one I posted it again because it has different colours, but I hope you like it and not getting bored of it! :P
What I used:
1. Glitter (Madonna 48)
2. Red acrylic colour
3. Black acrylic colour
4. White acrylic colour
5. Black (Madonna)
Ola!!! Pentru azi v-am pregatit un modelas pentru banchet pe unghii scurte. Deci, fetelor cu unghii mici sa stiti ca exista modele si pentru unghiile voastre! Pupici!:*:*
Ola!!! For today I prepaired to you a model for banquet on short nails.So, girls with short nails you should know that there are designs for your nails too! Kisses!:*:*
What I used:
1. Red with glitter (Madonna 71)
2. Red glitter
3. Silver round rhinestones
4. Black acrylic colour
Ola!!! For today I prepaired to you a model for banquet on short nails.So, girls with short nails you should know that there are designs for your nails too! Kisses!:*:*
What I used:
1. Red with glitter (Madonna 71)
2. Red glitter
3. Silver round rhinestones
4. Black acrylic colour
miercuri, 25 mai 2011
Flowered pedicure
marți, 24 mai 2011
Black glitter french
Inca un modelas one stroke pentru colega de camera. Sper sa va placa! Perfect pentru o seara in club!
Another one stroke model for my roommate. I hope you enjoy it! Perfect for a night in the club!
What I used:
1. Pink acrylic colour
2. Black acrylic colour
3. White acrylic colour
4. Silver glitter (Madonna 48)
5. Black (Madonna)
Buna fetelor! A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu ne-am mai vazut. :) Am revenit cu un modelas rosu pe unghii scurte. Simplu si rapid!
Hey girls! Long time no see. :) I came back with a red model on short nails. Fast and simple!
What I used:
1. Red (Classics 315)
2. White
3. Black
Inspiration Award
Am primit acest premiu si vreau sa-i multumesc foarte mult lui Mada pentru ca s-a gandit la mine si ma simt flatata ca sunt printre sursele ei de inspiratie. Multumesc!:">
Acest premiu trebuie sa il dau mai departe blogurilor care ma inspira. Practic, blogurile care ma inspira sunt cele care se afla in blogroll-ul meu: atat cele de nail art, cat si cele culinare, de makeup sau altele. Deci va ofer cu drag tuturor acest premiu. Si multumesc tuturor celor care urmaresc blogul meu si pentru care , poate sunt o sursa de inspiratie.:*:*:*
Acest premiu trebuie sa il dau mai departe blogurilor care ma inspira. Practic, blogurile care ma inspira sunt cele care se afla in blogroll-ul meu: atat cele de nail art, cat si cele culinare, de makeup sau altele. Deci va ofer cu drag tuturor acest premiu. Si multumesc tuturor celor care urmaresc blogul meu si pentru care , poate sunt o sursa de inspiratie.:*:*:*
joi, 12 mai 2011
Blog Award
I received this award from Kory. Thank you very much! :*>:D<

The Liebster Award is designed to be awarded to blogs with less than 300 subscribers to spread the blog love and get them out to a wider audience.
The Rules are:
1. Post displaying the award, linking back to the person who awarded you.
2. Pick 3 blogs and let them know they're awarded.
The 3 blogs are:
1. Comyna
2. Pinky
3. Dory
marți, 10 mai 2011
Donald & Daisy Duck
Buna! De mult voiam sa fac un model cu personaje din desene animate si asa ca aseara am luat-o repede pe coleguta mea, am pus-o sa-si stearga unghiile pe care tocmai si le daduse cu oja si da-i batai. Iata ce a iesit! Eu sunt foarte multumita mai ales ca am lucrat seara, tarziu si eram amndoua obosite dar eu foarte entuziasmata.
Hey everyone! I have long wanted to do a model with cartoon characters so last night I took quickly my roommate, I asked her to remove her nail polish and I put myself to work. Here's what came out! I am very happy, especially because I worked late night and we were both tired, but I was very excited.
What I used:
1. White (Gabrini)
2. Pink (Farmasi 12)
3. Purple acrylic colour
4. Pink acrylic colour
5. Acrylic colours
Buna! De cand am descoperit one stroke-ul m-am indragostit de el... asa ca aseara am facut un model folosind tehnica one stroke. Din pacate nu se vede culoarea asa frumoasa ca in realitate....:(
Hey! Since I discovered one stroke technique I fell in love with it... so last night I did a model using this techinque. Unfortunately the colour doesn't seem to be as beautiful as in reality...:(
What I used:
1. Purple acrylic colour
2. White
3. Black acrylic colour
4. White acrylic colour
Hey! Since I discovered one stroke technique I fell in love with it... so last night I did a model using this techinque. Unfortunately the colour doesn't seem to be as beautiful as in reality...:(
What I used:
1. Purple acrylic colour
2. White
3. Black acrylic colour
4. White acrylic colour
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