duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

Gel nails (2) & Cakes

Buna! Stiu ca a trecut ceva timp de cand nu am mai postat, insa am fost foarte ocupata in ultima vreme si voi mai fi inca putin... Insa mi-e dor de voi. Am reusit sa-mi fac putin timp pentru a imi pune din nou unghiile, deoarece mi-am mai luat niste geluri. Sper sa va placa! Pe langa asta, o sa mai vedeti si ultimele torturi pe care le-am facut in ultimul timp. Pupici!

Hello! I know it has been a while since I haven't posted, but I was very busy lately and I will still be... But I miss you. I managed to make some time to do my nails with gel, because I bought some new gel nails. Hope you like it! Besides, you will see the cakes I made lately. Kisses!

    Lady Butterfly

miercuri, 30 noiembrie 2011

Purple flowers

Flori, pentru ca sora mea nu vrea altceva decat flori :)

Flowers, because my sister wants only flowers.


          Lady Butterfly

sâmbătă, 26 noiembrie 2011

Gel nails & Lola Bunny

Buna! Am doua modele pentru voi azi. Unul cu Lola Bunny si cel de-al doilea floricele peste unghii cu gel. Am achizitionat un kit pentru gel. Prima data am esuat, a doua oara e acum, pe unghiile mele. Astept pareri. Pupici!

Hello! I have two designs for you today. One with Lola Bunny and the other one with flowers on gel nails. I bought a kit for gel nails. First time I failes, second time is now, on my nails. I am waiting for you opinions. Kisses!

Lady Butterfly

duminică, 20 noiembrie 2011

Tort pentru noi... (Cake for us)

Buna! Am revenit cu o postare diferita. Este o surpriza pentru iubitul meu, pentru ca implinim 5 ani de cand ne iubim :"> :X.  As fi vrut sa ii mai adug muuuulte alte detalii, insa iubitul nu stia de surpriza si tot insista sa ies la plimbare, asa ca i l-am dat in forma aceasta. Este un tort cu ganache de ciococolata alba si crema de visine (Multumesc Sara pentru reteta! ). Delicios!!! Celalalt tort a fost cadou pentru sora mea, e putin ma vechi, dar abia acum l-am postat si este cu mousse de ciocolata alba si mousse ciocolata neagra.  Sper sa va placa! Aveti cate o felie de la mine! Pupici!

Hello!  I came back with a different post. It's a surprise for my boyfriend, because we have 5 years since we love each other :"> :X. I wish I could add much more details , but my boyfriend didn't know about the surprise and insisted to go for a walk, so I gave it to him like this.  It's a cake with white chocolate ganache cream and cherry cream (Thank you Sara for the recipe!). Delicious!!! The other cake was a gift for my sister, it's a little bit older, but I posted it now and it is with white chocolate mousse and black chocolate mousse. I hope you like it! You have a piece of cake from me! Kisses!

       Lady Butterfly

sâmbătă, 12 noiembrie 2011

Mickey & Minnie Mouse and the family

Acest model l-am fost facut unei colege foarte dragute (:* Liana) care a vrut un model cu Mickey si Minnie dar si cu puiutii lor :)) Sper sa va placa! Pupici!:*

I made this design to a very sweet colleague (:* Liana) who wanted a design with Mickey, Minnie and their babies :)) Hope you like it! Kisses!:*

       Lady Butterfly

marți, 8 noiembrie 2011

Pink panther (Pantera roz)

Bunaaaa!!!! Pentru astazi am un model roz, asa cum am vazut viata zilele astea - roz! Este ceva timp de cand nu m-am mai simtit fericita, dar acum ma simt asa si am profitat putin pentru ca stiu ca fericirea nu dureaza mult. De aceea am ales acest model. Deci...Pantera Roooz! ;)) Sper sa va placa! Pupici.
P.S. Conturul este cam urat, dar mi s-a stricat pensonul pentru detalii. :(


Hello!! For today I have a pink design, as the way I saw life these days - pink! It has been a while since I haven't felt happy, but now I feel happy and I took advantage a little bit of this because I know thay happiness doesn't last. That's why I chose this design. So....The Pink Panther! ;)) I hope you like it! Kisses!
P.S. The outline is a little bit ugly, but my pencil for details has damaged. :(


Pink Panther presents.....

 Lady Butterfly! :)):)):))

luni, 31 octombrie 2011

Hello Kitty 2

Pisicute dulci pentru o colega dulce (:* Andreea) Sper sa va placa!
Sweet kitties for a sweet roommate (:* Andreea) Uope you like it!

What I used:
1. Pink acrylic colour
2. Pinky (Natty 439)
3. Red acrylic colour
4. Black acrylic colour
5. White acrylic colour

       Lady Butterfly


Buna! Am revenit dupa o lunga perioada cu un french turcoaz si doua pisicute. Nu este tocmai un model pentru Halloween, dar ma gandesc ca se potriveste. Pupici!

I came back after a long period with a turquoise french and two kitties. It's not a design for Halloween, but I think it fits. Kisses!

What I used:
1. Turcquoise (Leydi 720)
2. Milky (Golden Rose 109)
3. White acrylic colour
4. Black acrylic colour

       Lady Butterfly

marți, 18 octombrie 2011

Flowers & Rose cake

Buna! Afara e ger, iar floricelele infloresc pe unghiile mele....:)) Floricele one stroke pe french alb este modelul de azi. Bonus un tortulet facut in weekend! :D:D Stiu ca v-ati plictisit de trandafiri, dar deocamdata astea sunt comenzile care le am. Pupici! Astept comentarii si pareri!

Hello! Outside is frost, and the flowers are blossoming on my nails....:)) One stroke flowers on white french is the design for today. Bonus, a cake made in weekend! :D:D I know you are tired of roses, but for now these are the orders I have. Kisses! I am waiting for you comments and opinions!

What I used:
1. White (Leydi)
2. Yellow acrylic colours (Reeves)
3. Red acrylic colour (Reeves)
4. Black acrylic colour (Reeves)

The cake:

       Lady Butterfly